That talk about you on social media…

Have you ever googled yourself? While that sounds hilarious and oddly inappropriate, I do it all the time (again, haha). Just to see what images are associated with your digital footprint. you’d be surprised what photos pop up when you do that. typically, the images associated with your search are often linked to your social media accounts, places you work at, (unless you’re cool enough to have genuine content throughout the inter-webs) and other random people with your name. Occasionally, you’ll also find linked photos from acquaintances, company picnics, and even the dreaded meme of yourself. We are more digitally connected than we’ve ever been before, which can be positive and negative for your personal brand perception.

I usually hate these cheesy things, but whatevs — this one was kinda cool

Our face is one of our greatest marketing tools (aside from you know, actual skill, marketing,) and that, coupled with a great CRM program are vital in providing you with the tools to manage the reputation, retention, and loyalty that you’re looking for.

**Shameless plug** You can learn more about CRM as a Function of Public Relations here!

That’s why, even in 2016, I’m surprised to see the type of images associated with our personal social media and the mismatch of that person or organization’s brand presence. Now when I say “surprised” I’m not against silly/party/random pictures — in fact, I  fully support them…in the proper environments. I used to keep an old profile picture of one of me with a 35oz mug (biceps bustling as well). I’m a silly guy, and I feel like that matches my brand; If I came and had a poser picture with me shaking the hand of an orphaned child (while that would be a very awesome and epic photo) it’s a complete contrast to the persona I project to my friends, coworkers, and clients.


Maybe it’s just me, but I think that while obvious, there is a place and time for how you present your image on the “never will be removed from the internet” times we live in. And while we won’t always be able to block from others, and some jerks will just steal your photos as a joke (these herbs), at least try to keep it in mind as you post (I am particularly bias when it comes to businesses and how they should present their image, but that’s another convo for another day). But once you’ve considered these options, then go nuts…I mean, I love to troll on folks anyways and you’ll keep me entertained.


Stay Funky Fresh,
The Bar.


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